Create event type
Create an event type for the Timeline Series Config tool.
About this task
Events types reflect the kind of data you expect to appear in one of the SessionM activity logs. Customer data is perhaps the most common and can be related to events transpiring in a few different respects - engagement (or activity), location and purchase.
If you want to review a configuration workflow for the Timeline Series Config tool, which includes this task, see Configure Event Stream with Timeline Series Config Tool.
- On the Admin & Rights 2.0 dashboard, under Platform Configurations, click Timeline Series Config. The Timeline Series tool opens, displaying the Event Categories page.
- Click Event Types.
- Then click Create Event Type.
- In the New Event Type modal, specify a name and a description for the event type.
- If you want the event type to be part of a specific event category, select a category from the Event Category dropdown.
- Then from the Stream dropdown, select a stream to tie to the event type.
- Then click Save.
Once you save the event type, it displays in the Event Types table.